Part Three

Hey guys!! Scroll down for part one and two of my Story The School For the Lost! 

Part Three!! 

Emma forgot to mention, she was scared of heights. Here she was fifty feet in the air in a helicopter. This was not in description of the mission. Jake and Ashlyn just laughed like she was making a joke. Again this wasn't the craziest thing that happened this week. So far she'd woke up in the woods knowing very little about who she was and why she was there. She got shot by a dart only to wake up in another weird place. Then she learned about the School for the Lost and got recruited into a main field team. After that she trained for two days and suddenly she was qualified to chase down random people who may or may not be crazy or deadly.  She was currently on a helicopter about to land in Tokyo Japan and go chase down someone names Lisa Choke. They literally were chasing down a random lady, and all they knew about her was her name and that she was somewhere in Asia. Big huge Asia.  Emma had mentioned this multiple time, but people just laughed or sighed. They had only bits and pieces of info about Lisa. They knew she was somewhere in Asia running from place to place and that she might be related to someone at the School. Their computers had matched her to someone in their school and it was their job to find her. To Emma's horror Jake and Ashlyn started to put on skydiving equipment. Emma almost screamed and asked what they were doing. Ashlyn just sighed and told Emma casually that they had to jump out of the helicopter. Emma promptly threw up out the window stinking up the helicopter. Ashlyn and Jake crinkled their noses, but handed Emma the skydiving gear. Emma gingerly put it on dreading what would happen next. The next couple of minutes were torture for Emma. The thought of jumping off a helicopter hundreds of miles below off of a plane terrified Emma. After they putting on all the skydiving equipment the helicopter door opened and Emma nearly puked again. Ashlyn showed Emma how to jump. She told her that directly after she started falling to press the button on her side which would launch the parachute which would soften her fall. Emma groaned her life now depended on a piece of fabric, great. She dared to look down as Ashlyn activated her parachute and landed gracefully. Emma was relieved maybe it wouldn't be as bad as she thought. After Asher landed Emma took a deep breath hating her life and after several hesitations jumped. She launched her parachutes and to her surprise landed on her feet. Ashlyn just laughed and Emma finally took a second to acknowledge the breath taking scenery. They were surrounded by gorgeous pink cherry blossom trees they were standing in the middle of a road, but no cars passed by. Emma looked around as a single cherry blossom fell on the very side of her jet black hair, but Ashlyn insisted she keep it there. At that moment Emma gagged she didn't realize there was still a little pit of puke on the plain black shirt Ashlyn had gave her. Jake laughed and told her that they would all change later. Ashlyn told everyone to go to the sidewalk. Emma was puzzled there wasn't any cars, but when they stepped onto the sidewalk seconds later a taxi arrived. Ashlyn handed the driver some unfamiliar money and signed for us to get in. Emma observed the taxi it was large a spacious with white seats shined to perfection and on the very side there was a cooler with soda, juice, and six different types of water. Even though there was plenty of space Emma felt uncomfortable in such a fancy car. Emma thought about her flashbacks and the Victorian mansion maybe she had always felt uncomfortable around fancy things, as far as she knew she felt so much more free in the wilderness than she did in this stuffy taxi. Almost like the thought had triggered something Emma had a flashback. She saw herself as a child maybe 9 or 10 collecting the fallen flowers and making flower pressings. A woman walked towards her and from her black and white lace dress to her equally fancy gloves everything about her screamed uptight rich woman. She called Emma child. Emma gasped that was her mother! She told her to stop dabbling outside and that her tutor was waiting for her. When Emma thrashed and complained, but the woman didn't blink instead she scoped down to where young Emma was sitting and whispered something and all Emma could make out was expectation. When Emma came back to reality her mind bubbled with questions. What was her expectation? Was that woman really her mom? At that moment they arrived at what appeared to be a large strip mall. We got out and Ashlyn explained to Emma that they were here to get a change of clothes...and to eat lunch. Emma blinked it was ALREADY lunch. After searching for twenty minutes they finally found a shop with normal clothes. She picked out enough T-Shirts and ripped jeans to last her a couple weeks and when Emma glanced over at Ashlyn she saw a lot of flannels and jean shorts. Jake came out with some shirts and jeans and a whole lot of hair products (Emma sighed). While Jake and Ashlyn went to go find somewhere to eat I went into a stationary shop. The pens, notebooks, and erasers, kind of calmed her. She felt her back pocket inside there was a twenty dollar bill and a piece of paper Emma hadn't noticed before. She pulled it out it said, "Expectation." Emma was officially creeped out, but she ignored it and picked out a plain white journal with the words hope on it. I don't know if it was because as a kid it didn't seem like I got a lot of it or maybe because right now that seemed like the only thing I could do. After I bought the notebook I opened it up and the first thing I wrote in it was hope. 



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