Part 2

 This is the Second Part of my Chapter to Chapter story the School for the lost. If this is your first time here the first part is below this. 

Part two! Now you can see who the person was!!

School for the Lost
Emma looked as closely as she could. The figure slowly advanced getting closer and closer. She took a better look, it was a tall teenage boy with wavy hair going in every direction. Before she could say something the boy shot her in the head with a red dart. The last thing she remembered was the laugh of the boy who shot her. Emma awoke. Where was she? She almost laughed. It wasn't the first time that had happened to her today. The walls were painted a light shade of grey. It wasn't prison cell grey. It was a light grey that would of been calming (If she wasn't trapped in a room of course.)  She got up. Her legs felt a lot better. A teenage girl approached her. She was very pretty, but not in a try hard way. Her long brown hair was braided and the tips were dyed red. She wore a T-Shirt with shorts and a flannel shirt tied around her waste. She told her that her name was Ashlyn and that this was the School for the Lost. Before she could go on the same boy who shot her came in. He chuckled and asked if the girl was boring her to death. It was the same boy who shot her! His blonde hair was combed and he wore a T-Shirt and shorts. Emma laughed. Then Emma hesitated, how did her name? Almost reading Emma's mind Ashlyn explained that they had info about almost everyone in the world. The Boy (who's name was Jake) told them that the School for the Lost helped kids find they're family. Emma looked closer at Jake and Ashlyn they both had tiny marks on they're arms. She asked about them. Jake and Ashlyn laughed and told her that they were siblings. That was the aha moment. They also told her that the marks were for the School for the lost. Each year the camper get the year marked on their skin. They had been here for 6 years. Emma was curious again if the School for the Lost had plenty of info on people around the world why had they not found their parents? Ashlyn told them that 7 years ago there had been a family reunion at their house and there was a fire. Everyone died except Ashlyn and Jake. Since they were telling her about how their family died Emma decided to tell them about her weird flashbacks. She told them about how she probably ran away. Jake said that if she ran away and didn't want to go back home she could stay here. Emma jokingly said that she didn't want to be there with the person who shot her and then laughed. Jake chuckled and told her that he only laughed because she fought so hard against the dart, and that not a lot of people could stay conscious for that long. Ashlyn said that they would start working to find out about her past asap. Jake gave her a tour of the School for the Lost. There was a library brimming with books on about anything you can think of. The mess hall served every kind of food you can think of, but the gem of the School was the Research center. It was a vast room with hundred's of computers. The computers could search just about anything in 0.2 seconds. The chief computers had information on every person who ever lived. On every wall there were huge Tv's where people could broadcast new information they found. A old woman with long silver hair walked up to them. She thanked Jake for giving Emma the tour. She introduced herself as Franky the creator of the School for the Lost. She explained that she created the School for the Lost because as a child she was lost. Emma told her that she was not interested in going back home. Franky told her about the different jobs they had here researchers, finders,  extractors, and main field people. Franky told her that people in the main field had a very dangerous job. They scouted for families. When the researchers didn't pick anything up about families main field people go to find them. She also said that a lot of the times when the system couldn't detect people they were dangerous people or criminals. Franky also explained why she was here. She told her that all around the world there are  cameras. They saw Emma skills and decided to bring her here. Emma was confused. What would she do here? Franky said that 2 weeks ago two people on her main field team had died and the other one was injured. She needed one last person to be on the main field team. Emma asked if Ashlyn and Jake were the other people on the main field team. Franky nodded her head. Emma didn't know them that well, but she had a feeling that Ashlyn and Jake were going to be her friends. She accepted. Franky showed her to the training room where she found Ashlyn and Jake. Emma told them that she was going to be on the main field team. Ashlyn asked her what her skill was. Ashlyn's skill was coding. Jake skill was combat. Emma told them that she didn't really know what she could do except make things out of nature. Ashlyn assured her that that was a actual skill. The Emma had a idea. The book! She had to tell them about that weird book! In a hushed tone Emma told Jake and Ashlyn about the book that gave you what you wrote down. Jake smiled and told them it wasn't the first time something magical had shown up on that island. Ashlyn told her that she should tell Franky about it. Jake flinched then told them that they needed to keep the book secret. Emma agreed, but then told them the book could only be used in life or death situation. At that moment something in her pocket beeped. She almost jumped back. Ashlyn and Jake laughed and told her the watch beeped when they needed a team to hq. At head quarters Frankie told them that public records said Lisa Choke was dead, but their system gave a weak pulse that she was alive living or hiding somewhere in Asia. Emma was not enthusiastic about this. What are the chances (even with high tech equipment) that they could find some random lady (who might be crazy) and persuade her to come to the school for the lost. Jake laughed at Emma's question. Franky told them since this was their first mission she would give them a extra long deadline. Emma blew up. Franky explained that nothing would happen if they didn't find her before the deadline. If they didn't find her they would consider her dead or on the run. Which depended on the situation. Emma sighed. This was going to be harder then she thought. 


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